The Goddess


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I am the Goddess, Fruitless and powerless
Betrayed and disgraced, In the tribulations of a creators ground
When sages are seated high Goddess veil amongst being
Distinct and lone with none alongside
The Gordian tie yet to be unwound
My end in the SE my start in the NW
The Jupiter raises me in the North to accomplish the radiance in the NW
My tale remains a saga as I have not any on my plane
I enfold of split and sole, betrayed and shown up
I am the white Goddess the Ganges that swept as fair
The Demons made me black as thy
My legend presently relics a tale
Adam hand over me to be enslaved
My foundation root my stab
I mislaid for my part in it
I am gone in the globe of the dead
With a knot on my bear, A cross   on my stand
Tears of Rue are no more the sacred river
I wail within the walls and grin like the dead
The crush of my realm, a passage    in the lifeless track.
By Gulshaa Begum

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